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Highlight of the Day - Although it sounds really insignificant, I found a long iPhone 5 cable for less than a fiver on Living Social, which means I can now charge my phone over night and still have it on my bed to use as my alarm - not fun to have to get out of bed to snooze every day.  Life changing.

Embarrassing moment of the day - getting lost at Kentish Town station.   Google Maps really makes it looks like you come out on the opposite side of the road to where you actually come out (I double checked afterwards).  I had to ask in Greggs and the guy behind the desk said "Oh, don't ask me, I'm not a local."  I mean, where does he commute from to work in Greggs?? I eventually found my way anyway.

Today, I went narrow boating on the Thames, as you do.  We started at Broadway Market and spent just over 2 hours on the boat to go all the way up to Camden via Angel - it was so much fun! Not the best weather, but it was mostly covered.  I went for a friend's birthday and we all just drank ourselves silly on the boat as we looked at the pretty canal and waved at strangers (which got a bit awkward, as we were actually moving really slowly!!).  We went through lochs and everything, just like Rosie and Jim! I loved it and would definitely go again (would be even better in summer...if we ever get one!)