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Highlight of the Week - chilling with vino tinto, vino blanco, beer, shandy and a new discovery of 'tinto verano con limon' which is red wine mixed with traditional lemonade or less traditional lemon Fanta in SPAIN in the SUNSHINE - woo!

Lowlight of the Week - Realising how unfit I am.  Getting lost on a 1-hour mooch turned it into a 4-hour hilly hike.  This was on the second day of my week-long holiday.  I then spent the rest of the week aching all over - slightly depressing perhaps.  I chose to solve it by eating lots of tapas and drinking lots of wine.

Embarrassing Moment of the Week - Where to start? I went into the women's toilet and almost walked into a 70-year-old Spanish woman, panicked because I didn't know the word for "sorry" so I bowed, almost knocking her out (I used to live on Japan, I blame it on that).  My friends and I also got kicked out of the cathedral in Toledo in a rather loud and public fashion as we tried to sneak in because we'd missed the free entrance period by about 2 minutes (due to very misleading signs).  Jesus would've been ashamed.

Yes, I haven't blogged for over a week as I've been sunning myself up in Spain.  My friend won a stay in a 'villa' in the Spanish mountains, near a 'town' called Cecedillia.  Not long before we left, the 'villa' was downgraded to a 'lodge' to a 'flat' and the 'town' to a 'village' that was more a of a cabin (but still very nice).  I've got another friend who lives in Madrid, so I spent some time with her and we also went to the stunningly beautiful Toledo (although we spent most of our time there looking at things without knowing what they were) and the incredibly intimidating tomb of Franco (plus the odd thousand civil war victims!)  I enjoyed myself immensely.  Only small problem was the lovely 4-hour delay that Easy Jet provided us on the way back.  Oh yes, and the perfectly grey sky that greeted us on our return - back to reality!

Also used the panorama function successfully for the first time on my camera - see above! Go me!

Well, call me a poofta, but I love me a bit of Eurovision.  It's just so much fun! My favourite, Denmark, won by quite a bit.  She looked a bit scary - she looked ill she was so skinny and pale, but the song was really catchy.  I also liked Iceland, Italy and France.  Italy might have been affected by the fact that I fancied the singer a bit.  Definitely not the case for Iceland! I think the funniest song was Romania - some strange guy singing in a really deep voice, trying (I hope) to be scary, before switching into a super-high pitched voice for a bit of popera, all whilst standing on a platform above a big flowing red dress.  Sweden's skit by the presenter and a comedian about all-things-Swedish was really funny too.  I was laughing along, even though I don't even really know much about Sweden, so I didn't know the stereotypes even, but the humour was great.  The host was wicked, but I get the feeling a lot of the humour would've been lost on some other cultures.  I reckon British and Swedish humour isn't too different.  Graham Norton is great too - really good replacement for Terry.  Just the right amount of sarcy!   Shock of the evening for me was Norway doing so well - I thought that was really forgettable.  Also pretty shocked that the swaying beached whale also known as Bonnie Tyler managed to come 19th! I would've put it further down.  It's embarrassingly poor - maybe it's time to stop auditioning in the ex-music-star pension queue for our Eurovision entries!

Anyway, good news about Denmark winning is that it's not too far away, so I'm thinking I might go and see next year's contest.  I might need to win the lottery first as the tickets are expensive and Denmark is expensive to be in too - I went once and pretty much lived on bread rolls from the supermarket for 4 day

Highlight of the Day - Free Egyptian food from a new 'street food' style place that's just opened on St Martin's Lane called Koshari Street.  I'd never had anything like it - it had pasta, rice, lentils and other beans topped with a tomato sauce.  I love lentils and beans etc., but I was thinking when I looked at it that it might be a bit flavourless, but it was really delicious.  Not sure if it was partly because it was free, because free things are always better!

Embarrassing Moment of the Day - Stayed so late at work on Thursday (2.30am!) so I could've taken Friday off, but I had a meeting at 10.30.  It wasn't that important, but I thought I'd go in for it, just to show willing and then go home.  I ran in, completely knackered and looking a state, to find the meeting had already started.  I burst in with my coat still on and had to go and sit at the table next to the person who was talking as it was the only seat left.  2 minutes later the meeting finishes.  It was 10-10.30, not 10.30-11.  I'm an idiot.

I did something very brave on Friday! I'm very proud of myself.  I did some stand-up comedy! I talked for 5 minutes at an open mic night about family holidays, caravanning in Hastings, or somewhere on a layby in the Hastings vicinity.  It went pretty well! The audience was very small, but very supportive.  It was at a night aimed at comedians who have only been going for a year or less, called Underdogs at the Blue Posts on Rupert Street in Soho.  Some of my jokes went well, some fell flat on their face, but the big problem was that I didn't ask the friend who came with me to record it, so I have no idea which ones got laughs and which ones didn't! I'm definitely going to do it again, as I had loads of fun and I met some great people - everyone was surprised it was my first time when I told them afterwards, so that was great! I just need to be a bit funnier next time - sort of a key point! I'm working on it!

That's one of my 30 things ticked off though! Go me!