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Highlight of the day - having some friends over for dinner, one of them bringing their beautiful, well-behaved, intelligent, friendly and generally perfect in every way 6-year-old with them.  I have NO kids in my life at the moment (in spite of constantly telling all of my friends and relatives in long-term relationships (and otherwise) that I am MORE THAN ready for them to have kids, whether they are or not), so it was so lovely to spend some time with a child in the room for a change.  I am still grinning from ear to ear today.

Embarrassing moment of the day - I was in a tiny tiny toilet (not the actual apparatus, the room) and was at the urinal closest to the real WC cubicle door.  I was standing weeing, even closer to the man in the urinal next to me than I would be normally - it's awkward enough at the best of times -  when the man in the cubicle came out and said to me "it's very pokey in here isn't it?" - Very much an accurate statement, but why did he consider a time at which my penis was unclothed and I was urinating almost cheek-to-cheek with a urinating man on the other side and everyone being able to see everyone else's business, a time suitable for polite chit-chat?  So akward!  I didn't reply. 

This post is about Saturday, as I'm catching up.  Is it Easter Saturday or is it not special enough to have a name? Today, I went to eat in the Princess Louise pub, which is a beautiful pub in Holborn with a maze-like interior and lots of little sections which reminds me of a posh Victorian train (not that I've ever been in one).  I went with the intention of eating there, but when asked if they were serving food, we were told 'not today' with no further explanation, so I'll try again for that another time.  We ate in a little Italian called Cafe Mode I think which was very reasonable. 

Anyway, after that we went to see Judas Kiss with Rupert Everett at the Duke of York's Theatre.  I wanted to go to Music and Notes Coffee Shop which is opposite on St Martin's Lane, but we ran out of time.  Duke of York theatre is truly tiny (hence aforementioned half-naked pokey toilet chit-chat).  The play was good.  It's about Oscar Wilde's life.  It didn't cover quite as much of his life as I was expecting.  It was more like four scenes which covered four snapshots of his life.  There was a LOT of nudity and quite a lot of rude jokes.  The average age of the audience was about 60 so I'm not really sure if it was what everyone was expecting.  My friend fancied the naked guy in the first half (blonde-hair-blue-eyed) and I fancied the naked guy in the second half (Italian stallion).  Attractive naked guys (and I don't mean half-naked) are really quite distracting in a play, so between us we managed to piece together what happened as we both watched one half each!   Quite appropriate watching Judas Kiss over Easter.  I'm not sure Jesus would approve of the content though!

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