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Highlight of the day: See picture.  Hummingbird red velvet cake (with added chocolate chips...naughty me) and wine.
Lowlight of the day: Getting coughed on on the tube...always nice.

Why unexhaustingly exhausting? Because I had NO WORK to do.  This is pretty rare at my job and, without sounding incredibly selfish, I really didn't want to let on before somebody shat a great load of work on me from a great height.  I had a long week last week, so I thought I deserved a down-day.  The thing is, it's actually incredibly exhausting trying to make yourself look busy all day when all you are in fact doing is checking your facebook and opening the same email again and again and staring at it intently (with the occasional chin clutch for good measure).

Another thing I did today was read the news from the BBC that in a crazy health and safety push, a school has banned triangular flapjacks after a child threw one and it hurt another kid.  Am I the only person thinking that a better solution to the problem would be to do something about the kids lobbing things rather than changing the shape of things to make them slightly less dangerous when lobbed.  I don't imagine they've banned cutlery or trays or any of the other things that are surely more dangerous than triangle flapjacks!! If they banned everything, they'd only be allowed plain soft white bread (cut into oblongs, not triangles of course).  Maybe it's time we went back to turkey twizzlers in the name of safety! They are nice and soft after all, even if they are probably more E-number than meat.

In other safety news, I also had the tube announcer man today telling me "for my own safety" I should not leave newspapers on the that really for my own safety or is it just because it's lazy, rude and dirty? It seems like they'll (not really sure who "they" are...the man or something) put anything down to's really a bit of an empty phrase now.

What's your craziest safety announcement experience?

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